Contending Faith Bible Conference: Seek Heavenly Things took place January 18, 19, 20, 2022 in Pensacola Beach, FL. During the meeting, Rev. Grier shared what the Lord said to him for 2022 – “Whatever you set your hand to shall prosper in 2022 as you are led by my spirit and walk in my way” – based on Psalm 1:1-3. As we follow these scriptures in our life, we will be a success. The Lord also admonished us to stay in our call and not become an activist. The enemy has taken many out by getting them to focus on other things besides what the Lord has called them to do. The enemy is trying to sift many in the church, especially ministers, to stop them from doing what the Lord has called them and anointed them to do.
Rev. Grier continued to speak about “Humbling Yourself Under God’s Hand.” If you’re too proud to humble yourself before God and ask for help, He’s not going to help you. The Lord is wanting to help us, but if we don’t take the time to humble ourselves, seek Him, He’s just going to let you do it on your own, and you will eventually fall flat on your face.
The Lord reminded us to continue in His ways and not get off. David was a man after His own heart, but still got off. It doesn’t matter how close you walked with God in the past, are you walking in that place now? We were reminded from the Word, how to continue to walk with God. These meetings were a blessing to all that attended and will be a blessing to you.