Luke 19 tells us that Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed the time of their visitation. They missed what God was doing on the earth right in the midst of their city. The Lord is moving today and it is important that we not miss the time of our visitation.
Jesus Christ appeared to Rev. Kenneth E Hagin more than anyone else in modern time. Through the man, Jesus gave us a vision – the Heavenly Vision for our time. We don’t follow a man, we follow God and we follow the plan that He has given to us. That plan came through Kenneth E Hagin though.
It is important, if we want follow what the Lord is doing in our time, that we get the Heavenly Vision that He sent us – no matter who He gave it through. In this message, Rev. Randall Grier looks at the vision that Jesus Christ gave Kenneth E Hagin and how we can hook up with God’s plan so we don’t miss the time of our visitation.