On Saturday night, August 18, 2012, I had a spiritual experience during the night. The words “Strange Fire” were spoken to me over and over and over. Then I heard, “Don’t offer to me strange Fire. Some in the church are offering me strange fire like the sons of Aaron did and don’t know that I will not accept it. I will judge strange fire and remove it from my presence.”
Man’s plans abound in the church today and I know the Lord is highly displeased. The “brass of the world has been brought in the church and replaced the gold.” His mercy, grace and love has been waiting for the church to judge these things and get them out. Now He is judging these things Himself. He has given us space to repent and there is yet a little time but it has already begun.
This MP3 series will tell you and warn you of God’s coming judgment on those in the church who will not judge themselves. It will be a blessing to everyone who hears and heads the message of God.