Within a period of several days, the Lord started speaking to me about the antichrist spirit. He told me to go back and look at countries through history that have yielded to this spirit and see what happened to them. I looked at Germany, Russia, and China and saw what happened in those nations. This message is not about the Antichrist. It is about the antichrist spirit that is operating in the United States, the church, and the world today. It’s the same spirit that operated in Germany, Russia, and China. This spirit is so deceptive that those in the church who are yielding to it don’t even realize it. Those in the world have no idea this spirit is controlling them either. This spirit is set on destroying the United States, marginalizing and then neutralizing Christians who stand up for the Bible. But Christians have the power to stop it. This message will reveal to you the plans of the antichrist spirit – how it has operated in the past and how it is operating today. It will tell you how we can stop it. This message will be a blessing to all who hear.