The Lord has called the church to be a house of prayer. The Bible records three times the story of Jesus cleansing the temple. During this time, our Lord says that God’s house – the church – is to be a house of prayer. The first ministry of the church is to be a house of prayer. However, prayer doesn’t seem to be at the top of the list for the church. Yet through prayer we can rule and reign here on the earth. It’s not a president or leader that rules a nation – it’s the church through prayer. All the things that are going on in our nation – the disruptions, riots, fighting, bypassing of the law – all can be stopped in prayer. Because the church has removed prayer from its proper place, the church has failed to do and become what the Lord wants it to be. And thus, the nations are in the condition they are in. This message will be a blessing to you and encourage you to put prayer as the first place in your life.