At the Contending Faith Bible Conference: Biblical Prosperity held in Pensacola Beach, FL, in January 2025, Rev. Grier shared the revelation that the Lord gave him in October 2024 during the last Contending Faith Bible Conference. The Lord said that we are entering into a time of unprecedented prosperity. During the meeting, Rev. Grier was quick to point out that prosperity doesn’t just mean money, but money is involved. If you have a billion dollars, but you’re going to die tomorrow, all that money wouldn’t mean anything. He was also quick to point out that prosperity is not all of the Gospel, but it is a part of the Gospel.
Every service built upon the last one as Rev. Grier shared more and more about what the Bible says about financial prosperity and money in general. He gave sound natural advice as well as shared about the spiritual principles in the Bible on money. This is a time that the Lord has set aside to be a time of unprecedented prosperity, and it is only for a specific amount of time. We must understand, though, that unprecedented prosperity is tied to unprecedented giving. These messages will give you revelation on what the Bible says about financial increase and be a blessing to you.