The first ever Authority Over Demons And Seducing Spirits Seminar took place April 30 – May 2, 2024 in Dayton, TN. During this meeting, Rev. Randall Grier shared many things that he has learned from his personal experience dealing with demons, as well as revelation the Lord has given him. The Bible says that in the last days, it will be as in the times of Noah.
In Noah’s day, the entire world was deceived. Deception was so abundant that only eight people were saved—out of the entire world! This is one of the reasons why the Lord directed Rev. Grier to have these meetings. The church needs to know more about the devil, not to get devil-kooky, but so we will know his tactics and take authority over him.
During these meetings, Rev. Grier shared how you can avoid being seduced to death. Many anointed preachers of old had great and mighty miracles working in their ministry, known worldwide, yet the devil seduced them to the point that they died prematurely. Rev. Grier shared about some of the things going on in the body of Christ, how not to be deceived, and showed from the Word of God how to cast out a demon. These meetings were a tremendous blessing to those in attendance and will be a blessing to you as well.